
Google Nest Thermostat: Solar Eclipse Rush Hour

On August 21st, 2017, a total solar eclipse darkened over 100 million solar panels across the US. We created an animation encouraging Nest Thermostat owners to opt into Nest's first Solar Eclipse Rush Hour with the goal of easing the strain on our power grid. 

role: art direction, campaign development agency: swift

Google Nest Thermostat
“Solar Eclipse Rush Hour”

On August 21st, 2017, a total solar eclipse darkened over 100 million solar panels across the US.
We put on our solar-safe glasses and created this video to inform Nest Thermostat owners about Nest's first Solar Eclipse Rush Hour.

art direction


We also created geo-targeted social posts to spread the word to the right people.

All Nest-users had to do was opt in directly on their thermostats.